Casimir Pulaski

Chicago celebrates Casimir Pulaski because there are a lot of polish people in Chicago. Also they celebrate it because Casimir Pulaski is a polish solider that  joined the US to help us fight in the American Revolutionary War. He is born on the sixth of March 1745 and died on October eleventh 1779. Pulaski died from the cause of wounds. Pulaski has a rode named after him in Chicago and his story is in the museum  and the place name is Polish Museum of America. He went to the US to help because he lost in the War of the Bar Confederation to fight against the Emperor  of Polish Stanislaw because he was taking orders for the Russians but he was no match for the different armies that help Stanislaw but the reason why  he fought against the Emperor is because he wanted to fight for independence and freedom. Pulaski got exile when he lost and he met Benjamin Franklin and Franklin told Pulaski that you should help the out George Washington to fight of the British and he did sailed to America.  In July of 1777 he arrived in Massachusetts and once he got there he wrote to Washington I came here where freedom is being defended to serve it and live or die for it.  In September of 1777 at the Battle of Brandywine Creek the British was flaking the Continental armies retreat but Pulaski saw the move before it happened and he took some people to do a cavalry charge to stop the flank and they caught the British of guard and if Pulaski did not do the charge the British could have took many prisoners and even Washington and there could not be a Untied Stated of America.

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